Saturday, December 18, 2010

Brushing The Snow Away

It is an interesting thing to have to shovel your way out to the grill, and then brush the accumulated snow off the top before you can fire it up. The other evening (-4 F) that is what I had to do to get a few of my favorite steaks on the fire. My wife took a picture because to keep my hands warm I was placing them on top of the grill. I had on some light cloth gloves, but it was still a 400 degree grill and I could put my hands right on the top for several seconds to warm them up.

But true to my observations last winter, a higher flame and a closed lid are the way to go with steak. I do mine about four to five minutes per side at that temp, but they are trimmed a little thin and we like ours a little more than rare.

Still, it was fun to see the porch light smoking in the night as the bulb warmed up and the frost subliminated off the sides.

Hey, if you have some favorites recipes you like to do in the winter on the grill, just let me know. I am happy to post them here and will give you full credit for your work.

Til next time...

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